遠離: far away; aloof鄉下: village; country; countrysid ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...生活: life給: supply; provide城市: city; town; abad; conurbatio ...與: take part in; participate in環境: environment; surroundings; c ...帶來: bring about; produce壓力: pressure; tension城市与环境科学学院: school of city and environmental science生活与环境: vie et milieu远离我的生活: out of my life城市与农村生活: city life and country life乡下的: country; rural奴隶制度下的生活: under the slavery system城市生活压力: pressure of modern life in city外来压力: extraneous pressure城市老百姓的生活: city crowds生活给水关闭: domestic water shut off生活给水系统: domestic water system我们的生活环境: lesson one all kinds of clothes城市生态与环境管理: urban ecology and environmental management没有压力的生活: stress-free life城市与狗: la ciudad y los perros; the time of the hero