避免: avoid; refrain from; avert; ...使: send; tell sb. to do sth.自己: oneself的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...推銷: promote sales; market; peddl ...用語: choice of words; wording使自己的身体: insinuate one's body/person into a narrow opening: 使自己的思想适应新情况: adapt one's thinking to the new conditions她使自己的措词更加精确: she fined down her choice of words避免使用多个: multiple string concatenations使自己: ld oneself/sb umake oneself/sb healthier or stronger使自己的习惯与当地居民相一致: conform one's habits to those of the local inhabitants我们能使自己的一生变得高尚: we can make our lives sublime使自己承担…: commit oneself to使自己出丑: make a spectacle of oneself使自己出名: lift oneself out of obscurity; make one's mark; make one/'s mark使自己俯卧: prostrateoneself使自己轻松: ease oneself使自己适应……: adapt oneself to使自己拥有: makeityours使自己遭到: lay oneself open to使自己做……: bring oneself to do使自己坐在……: seat oneself in/at/on自己的: auto; egen, -et, -na; eigen dpron; our own; proper