那: a surname孩子: child真: true; genuine; real人: human being; man; person; pe ...擔心: worry; feel anxious你真叫人迷: you let everybody the fan真叫人惊异: oh that's amazing真叫人扫兴: how disappointing真叫人扫兴!: How disappointing!看到自己的孩子被判刑真叫人伤心: it is really heartrending to see his own child be sentenced. impairment of the heart使人担心: on one's mind有人担心: twop真叫人心焦啊: this is really worrying真叫人心焦啊!: This is really worrying!真叫人忍无可忍: that’s really the limit真叫人咋舌惊讶: what a nice surprise这孩子真鬼: this boy is very clever这孩子真皮: no longer care这孩子真皮!: What a naughty child! case-hardenedno longer care这孩子真神: what a smart child这孩子真神!: What a smart child!令人担心的地位: bed of thorns那孩子刚开始读书: the child was just beginning school那孩子怪精神的: the child is full of life那孩子溜冰着了迷: the boy is crazy about skating