離: leave; part from; be away fr ...遠航: oceangoing voyage路: road; way; path远航: oceangoing voyage◇遠航訓練 training voyage离远弹: far miss离远点: stay away from航路: air or sea route; route; [航海學] track; seaway; fairway; [航空] airway; air line◇航路標志 route markings莫远航: mo yuanhang远航船: foreign-going vessel远航的: ocean going; oceangoing远航力: range ability张远航: yuan-hang zhang距离远距离: distance离远的目标: outgoing target离远而情疏: far from eye,far from heart离远目标: departing target; receding target指距离远: far farther farthest船儿去远航: the big shisails on the ali-ali-o较远航程: larger range罗远,远航仪: loran麦哲伦远航: magellans_expedition适于远航的: seagoing新的历程,远航: beyond the reef,sailing延远航线: freedoms of the air以远航段: beyond segment