非: mistake; wrong; errors有: 5年 fifteen years愛: love有爱: pride or arrogance除非有: unless caused by非有坊: hiubo没有爱: theres no love like your love; without love唯有爱: it's only love; only love无有爱: vibhava-tanha拥有爱: with this love有爱的: kind-hearted有爱心: benevolence; leopold只有爱: background music; dj ver; onkly love; only love总有爱: a thank of love; all for love; beyond除非有必要: please don’t extract the tooth unless it is非有不可: must have非有非空: of neither or transcending existence and non-existence非有功功率: fictitious power非有关系字: nonrelational words非有机的: anorganic非有计划的: undesigned非有理函数: non-rational function非有限集: nonfinite set非有效操作: non-productive operation非有效的: nonpaying