bl lacertae的中文翻譯

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  1. The extragalactic nature of BL Lacertae was not a surprise.
  2. HD 24479 is a BL Lacertae variable star.
  3. On occasion, however, BL Lacertae has been observed to display weak emission lines.
  4. BL Lacertae changes in apparent magnitude over fairly small time periods between values of 14 and 17.
  5. It lent its name to a whole type of celestial objects, the BL Lacertae objects ( a subtype of blazar ).
  6. In 1968 a similar connection between the " variable star " BL Lacertae and a powerful radio source VRO 42.22.01 was made.
  7. In 1972 a few variable optical and radio sources were grouped together and proposed as a new class of galaxy : BL Lacertae-type objects.
  8. Some examples of blazars include 3C 454.3, 3C 273, BL Lacertae, PKS 2155-304, Markarian 421, and Markarian 501.
  9. BL Lacertae is the original member of a type of blazar known as " BL Lacertae objects "; also termed simply " BL Lac objects ".
  10. BL Lacertae is the original member of a type of blazar known as " BL Lacertae objects "; also termed simply " BL Lac objects ".


        objet bl lacertae:    objet bl lacertae; 蝎虎座BL型天體
        1 lacertae:    杵一 (危宿)
        10 lacertae:    車府增十一
        5 lacertae:    車府增十九
        alpha lacertae:    螣蛇一
        beta lacertae:    螣蛇十
        cp lacertae:    蝎虎座CP
        di lacertae:    蝎虎座DI
        dk lacertae:    蝎虎座DK
        blé:    音標:[ble]n.m. 小麥,小麥粒,~ cornu 裸麥,~ noir 蕎麥~ de turquie 玉米,玉蜀黍blém.麥,小麥blé de (mars, printemps)春小麥blé de jérusalem二粒小麥blé hybride雜交小麥blé noir蕎麥近義詞froment, argent, fric, picaillons, pognon, radis, ronds , sous, sarrasin
        (10857) blüthner:    小行星10857
        (11248) blériot:    小行星11248
        bl métamorphose:    春心萌動的老屋緣廊
        blâmable:    音標:[blɑmabl]adj. 應受指責的,應受責備的,該斥責的近義詞condamnable, critiquable, damnable, incriminable, répréhensible, réprouvable
        blâme:    音標:[blɑm]動詞變位提示:blâme是blâmer的變位形式n.m. 懲戒,紀律處分;責備,斥責,指責近義詞anathème, animadversion , censure, condamnation, critique, désapprobation, désaveu, réprobation, reproches , vitupération
        blâmer:    音標:[blɑme]v.t. 責備,指責,斥責;處分v.t. 1. 責備,指責:blâmer violemment 斥責 blâmer qn de (pour) son attitude 責備某人的態度2. [法]處分專業辭典v.t.【法律】處分近義詞anathématiser, censurer, condamner, critiquer, désapprouver, désavouer, fustiger, stigmatiser, vitupérer, faire grief à
        blâmont:    布拉蒙 (默爾特-摩澤爾省)
        blå jungfrun:    布洛永弗倫島
        blé dur:    硬質小麥硬粒小麥
        blé et jujubes:    專業辭典【醫學】甘麥大棗湯
        blé noir:    蕎麥
        blé ordinaire:    面包專用小麥粉軟質小麥
        blé panifiable:    軟質小麥面包專用小麥粉
        blé poulard:    圓柱小麥腫脹小麥
        bk häcken:    bk哈肯足球俱樂部
        bk:    bacille de koch專業辭典【化學】元素锫(berkélium)的符號


  1. bjørnø中文
  2. bjørvika中文
  3. bk中文
  4. bk häcken中文
  5. bk哈肯足球俱樂部中文
  6. bl métamorphose中文
  7. bla中文
  8. bla-bla中文
  9. blaberidae中文


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