用"micritic"造句"micritic" in a sentence"micritic"怎麼讀
- 微晶的
- "micritic aragonite" 中文翻譯 : 微晶文石
- "micritic components" 中文翻譯 : 微晶質組分
- "micritic limestone" 中文翻譯 : 微晶質灰巖
- "micritic rind" 中文翻譯 : 泥晶質殼層
- "micrite envelope" 中文翻譯 : 泥晶套
- "micrite enlargement" 中文翻譯 : 泥晶加大作用; 微晶加大作用
- "micrite" 中文翻譯 : 泥晶灰巖; 微晶灰巖; 微晶石灰巖
- "micrinoid" 中文翻譯 : 微粒體組; 硬煤素群
- "micritization" 中文翻譯 : 泥晶化作用; 微晶化
- "micrinite" 中文翻譯 : 碎片體煤巖; 微晶粒; 硬煤素
- Micritic dolostone occurs widely in the middle and upper cambrian and is yellowish brown and brickcolored red , in which parallel laminae , bird ' s - eyes and mud - cracks are developed
準同生白云巖廣泛出現于中上寒武統,巖石呈土黃色、磚紅色,具紋層、烏眼、乾裂構造。 - Were found in the margin around the basin . lucaogou fm . was mainly composed of thick dark mudstone , micritic limestone , argillaceous dolomite , which reflected a shallow to fairly deep - lake sedimentary formation
蘆草溝組在盆地內部發育厚層暗色泥巖、泥晶灰巖、泥質白云巖等,反映陸相淺一半深水沉積建造。 - The lacustrine carbonate rocks in the wudaoliang group consist of boundstone ( stromatolite ) , micritic limestone , grainstone and micritic dolostone which were laid down in the shallow - water to bathyal , high - salinity and enclosed to semi - enclosed lake systems
五道梁群湖相碳酸鹽巖分為生物粘結灰巖(疊層石) 、泥晶灰巖、顆粒灰巖與泥晶白云巖四大類,反映出沉積環境為一個具有淺水半深水、高鹽度、半封閉封閉特點的綜合湖泊系統。
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