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milled rice中文

用"milled rice"造句"milled rice" in a sentence"milled rice"怎麼讀


  • 精白米


  • Can we have two boiled milled rice and one fried rice , please
  • Coated mill rice
  • A genetic study on amylographic viscosity measurements of milled rice flour by means of diallel graph was conducted
  • The paddy or milled rice was so blended during production process that the blending precise was higher than1 % and the coefficient of variance cv 10 %
    在配米生產工藝上采用原料搭配或成品搭配,使配米精度優于1 % ,混合均勻度變異系數cv 10 % 。
  • The machine is used for the first cleaning in the flour mill rice mill feed - grain processing plant oil processing plant grain warehouse foodstuff plant etc
  • Amylographic viscosity measurements , a physical property of milled rice flour , are important eating and processing quality parameters of rice and are characteristics of the endosperm
  • Adding this reagent to seven kinds milled rice with different fatty acid values , it is hind that the extinct in fresh rice became green and the extinct in aged rice became yellow
  • The highest national average rice yield , 4 . 94 t / ha in milled rice , was recorded in 1977 , and it resulted in self - sufficiency of rice production which had been a long - cherished desire of korean people
    1977年創造了全國稻米平均產量4 . 94噸/公頃的記錄,使水稻生產自給自足,這是韓國人民夢寐以求的愿望。
  • In order to improve the quality of milled early long - grain non - glutinous rice , a milled rice blending method was adopted based on analyzing quality of milled early long - grain non - glutinous rice produced in zhejiang
  • According to the change fatty acid contest in the aging process of milled rice , and its relevance with ph value of milled rice , a new reagent to examine the freshness of milled rice wan developed
用"milled rice"造句  
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