
發音:   用"francium"造句 franciumの意味
furannsiumu フランシウム
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. Anyway, too little again about all ( even francium ).
  2. Would have thought francium, if not for its radioactivity.
  3. Taken from SUNY Stony Brook's Francium news page.
  4. Francium-221 has a half-life of 4.8 minutes.
  5. Cropped image of device used to trap Francium atoms.
  6. Germanium, Europium, Francium, and Americum, are some of the obvious ones.
  7. Some of these nuclides are very short-lived, such as isotopes of francium.
  8. I'll reread the ChemEducator entry, which focuses on the discovery of francium.
  9. Recently, Sprouse and his colleagues have analyzed trapped clouds of atoms of the element francium.
  10. Bulk francium has never been viewed.


        freight liner:    fure-to.raina- フレート?ライナー 〈鉄〉高速直達集裝箱列車gāosù zhídá jízhuāngxiāng lièchē,集裝箱專用zhuānyòng直達列車.
        fraise:    furaisu フライス 〈機〉銑刀xǐdāo,絞刀jiǎodāo.
        fret:    fureqto フレット 〈楽〉檔子dàngzi.
        fr.:    【法 Franc】〔貨幣〕法郎(法、比、瑞士等國貨幣單位)。
        fri.:    【Friday】星期五。
        fr 方式(ほうしき):    【front engine rear drive~】〔汽車〕前置發動機后輪驅動式。
        frock:    furoqku フロック →フロック?コート



  1. "fp 接點(せつてん)"日文
  2. "fr 方式(ほうしき)"日文
  3. "fr."日文
  4. "fraise"日文
  5. "frances 的愛稱"日文
  6. "frb 工業(こうぎょう)生産(せいさん)指數(しすう)"日文
  7. "freight liner"日文
  8. "fret"日文
  9. "fri."日文
  10. "frock"日文


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