furannsiumu フランシウム
更多例句: 下一頁- Anyway, too little again about all ( even francium ).
- Would have thought francium, if not for its radioactivity.
- Taken from SUNY Stony Brook's Francium news page.
- Francium-221 has a half-life of 4.8 minutes.
- Cropped image of device used to trap Francium atoms.
- Germanium, Europium, Francium, and Americum, are some of the obvious ones.
- Some of these nuclides are very short-lived, such as isotopes of francium.
- I'll reread the ChemEducator entry, which focuses on the discovery of francium.
- Recently, Sprouse and his colleagues have analyzed trapped clouds of atoms of the element francium.
- Bulk francium has never been viewed.