rotary kiln的日文

發音:   用"rotary kiln"造句 rotary kilnの意味
ro-tari-.kirunn ロータリー?キルン
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. The town grew after World War II together with a rotary kiln.
  2. The clay is formed into round pellets and fired in rotary kilns at.
  3. In the late 1800s, the rotary kiln made the process much more efficient.
  4. Soon, however, the even more efficient rotary kilns came into use.
  5. In these systems, the feed entering the rotary kiln is 100 % calcined.
  6. Additionally, ferronickel is produced by the rotary kiln-electric furnace ( RKEF ) process.
  7. In 1909 Krupp installed the first rotary kiln at the works.
  8. Similar devices called rotary kilns are used in cement manufacturing.
  9. Heat exchange in a rotary kiln may be by radiation, in descending order of efficiency.
  10. Rotary kilns have limitations on output based on the surface area required for the heat transfer.


        route:    ru-to ルート (1)〔道〕道路dàolù,路線lùxiàn;[航路]航線hángxiàn. (2)〔経路〕途徑tújìng;[出所]來路láilù,來源láiyuán. $密輸のroute/走私路線. $物資輸送のrouteを斷たれる/物資運輸線yùnshūxiàn被切斷qiēduàn. $特別なrouteで入手する/通過特別途徑弄到nòngdào手.
        roro 船:    【roll on, roll off ship】〔船運〕滾裝船(亦稱“滾上滾下船”,可直接用車輛開上開下裝卸集裝箱,效率高,且可載運特大或特重的貨物)。
        rpm (単位):    每分鐘轉速
        ropカラー:    【run-of-paper color】〔印刷〕凸版彩色印刷(印版的圖文部分高于空白部分,涂墨圖文部分后,覆紙、加壓,油墨即從印版移印到紙面上,可用于報紙印刷等)。
        rpm,rpm:    【revolution per minute】〔機械〕每分鐘轉數。
        root:    ru-to ルート (1)〔根〕根gēn,根本gēnběn,根源gēnyuán,基礎jīchǔ. (2)〈語〉詞根cígēn. (3)〈數〉根gēn,根號gēnhào.
        roofing:    ru-finngu ルーフィング 〈建〉屋面料wūmiànliào,葺屋頂材料qì wūdǐngcáiliào.
        rrr爆弾(ばくだん):    【reduced residual radiation bomb】〔軍事〕低輻射原子彈(殘留放射能降低的新型原子彈)。
        rood:    ru-do ルード 路得lùdé.



  1. "rood"日文
  2. "roofing"日文
  3. "root"日文
  4. "ropカラー"日文
  5. "roro 船"日文
  6. "route"日文
  7. "rpm (単位)"日文
  8. "rpm,rpm"日文
  9. "rp畫(が)"日文
  10. "rrr爆弾(ばくだん)"日文


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