atmospheric ablation造句

"atmospheric ablation"是什麽意思   


  1. They are regarded as having formed from the solidification of rotating liquids, and not atmospheric ablation.
  2. McCall and Cleverly ( 1970 ) suggested that the Mundrabilla meteorites were actually closely related to the Loongana Station and Premier Downs meteorites, and had been shed from the same mass during the atmospheric ablation.
  3. It's difficult to find atmospheric ablation in a sentence. 用atmospheric ablation造句挺難的


  1. "atmosphered"造句
  2. "atmosphereless"造句
  3. "atmospheres"造句
  4. "atmospheres atmospherics"造句
  5. "atmospheric"造句
  6. "atmospheric absorption"造句
  7. "atmospheric absorption band"造句
  8. "atmospheric absorption bands"造句
  9. "atmospheric abundance"造句
  10. "atmospheric accumulation"造句

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