be pooped造句

"be pooped"是什麽意思   


  1. A tremendous sea was running and needs must we carry on or be pooped.
  2. And it's not hard to avoid the sleaze of Bourbon Street; you'll be pooped by dark anyway, after a day of activities.
  3. She'd show up at the gig and just be pooped, but when her energy level needed to go up there, it would be up there.
  4. It's difficult to find be pooped in a sentence. 用be pooped造句挺難的


  1. "be polite"造句
  2. "be polite to"造句
  3. "be polite to customers"造句
  4. "be polite to sb"造句
  5. "be polluted with"造句
  6. "be pooped out"造句
  7. "be poor at"造句
  8. "be poorly housed"造句
  9. "be poorly off"造句
  10. "be popular"造句

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