


  1. Minoru Betsuyaku was born in 1937 in Manchuria.
  2. Doi s directed adaptations and originals include : The Cenci by Antonin Artaud ( 1978 ), The Embracing Trees by William Powell ( 1981 ), Purgatory by W . B . Yeats ( 1981 ), Jaku and the Beanstalk by Yuriko Doi ( 1982 ), Twilight Crane / Yuzuru by Junji Kinoshita ( 1982 ), Antigone by Sophocles ( 1983 ), Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett ( 1984 ), Medea by Carol Sorgenfrei ( 1984 ), Komachi Fuden by Shogo Ohta ( 1986 ), The Dog God / Inugami by Shuji Terayama ( 1991 ), The Imposter by Carol Sorgenfrei ( 1992 ), Tea by Velina Houston ( 1992 ), The Dressing Room / Gakuya by Kunio Shimizu ( 1992 ), Drifting Fires by Janine Beichman ( 1993 ), Noh Christmas Carol by Cianna Stewart and Yuriko Doi ( 1993 ), True Heart / Kokoro by Velina Houston ( 1994 ), Salome / Sarome Kyu Kyu No Dan by Masakatsu Gunji ( 1994 ), Elephant / Zo by Minoru Betsuyaku ( 1995 ), Down the Dark Well / Mumyo no I by Erik Ehn ( 1996 ), Blood Wine, Blood Wedding by Carol Sorgenfrei ( 1997 ), Crazy Horse by Erik Ehn ( 2001)
  3. It's difficult to find betsuyaku in a sentence. 用betsuyaku造句挺難的


  1. "betsucomi"造句
  2. "betsugi"造句
  3. "betsukai"造句
  4. "betsuma"造句
  5. "betsumon"造句
  6. "betsy"造句
  7. "betsy aardsma"造句
  8. "betsy and joe"造句
  9. "betsy and me"造句
  10. "betsy and tacy go over the big hill"造句

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