


  1. The question is about the term " Bibliografia sul-riograndense ".
  2. The first was the monumental " Bibliografia Rom鈔easc veche ( 1508 1830 ) ".
  3. One prominent institution in Italy is IBIMUS, the " Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale ", in Rome.
  4. The journal is abstracted and indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, Bibliografia Generale della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiana, and " Italinemo ".
  5. His bibliographic works are of fundamental importance : " Bibliographie de la litt閞ature latine " ( 1943 ), " Bibliografia clasic 頽 Rom鈔ia " ( in collaboration, 1943 ).
  6. It's difficult to find bibliografia in a sentence. 用bibliografia造句挺難的
  7. Gamurrini was from 1892 the director of the Biblioteca e Museo della Fraternita dei Laici d'Arezzo, where he found the opportunity to compile the " Bibliografia dell'Italia antica " ( 1905 ).
  8. Quirici was prolific : not only light pieces, romances and dances for piano, but a big amount of vocal and organ religious music He is published by Perosino, Borriero, Blanchi, Bibliografia Salesiana in Turin.
  9. Several of these studies appeared in book form : " Bibliografia cestiunii Orientului ", 1899; " Cronicarii moldoveni din secolul al XVII-lea ", 1899; " Istoria Rom鈔iei contimporane.
  10. FRASCA M ., Canicattini Bagni, in Bibliografia Topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia e nelle isole tirreniche, Nenci G .-Vallet G . ( a cura di ), IV, Roma 1985, pp . 350 354.
  11. After the death of his father Karol J髗ef in 1908, he attempted to complete his father s unfinished Bibliografia Polska ( begun in 1870 ), a massive reference work on all significant Polish authors from the 15th to the 19th century.
  12. Boncompagni edited " Bullettino di bibliografia e di storia delle scienze matematiche e fisiche " ( " The bulletin of bibliography and history of mathematical and physical sciences " ) ( 1868 1887 ), the first Italian periodical entirely dedicated to the history of mathematics.
  13. The rest of his works, contributions to collective works, prologues, scientific and popular articles and even, participation in congresses between 1982 and 2007 have been gathered in the book " Bibliografia de fra Valent?Serra de Manresa, OFMCap . ( anys 1982-2007 ).
  14. Bibliografia dei libretti d'opera, di oratori, cantate ecc . posti in musica da Gioachino Rossini, Roma, Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale 1997, nn . 32, 120, 264, 327, 444, 549, 561, 773, 1158, 1356, 1364-1366;
  15. Bibliografia dei libretti d'opera, di oratori, cantate ecc . posti in musica da Gioachino Rossini, Roma, Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale 1997, nn . 32, 120, 264, 327, 444, 549, 561, 773, 1158, 1356, 1364-1366;
  16. Casual mention of Fray Pedro de Betanzos is found in Ycazbalceta, " Bibliografia mexicana ", ( Mexico, 1886 ), in which an edition of the " Catecismo y Doctrina " is mentioned ( Mexico, 1556 ), and a reimpression ( Guatemala, 1724 ).
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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  6. "bibliografico"造句
  7. "bibliogram"造句
  8. "bibliographer"造句
  9. "bibliographers"造句
  10. "bibliographic"造句

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