- The question is about the term " Bibliografia sul-riograndense ".
- The first was the monumental " Bibliografia Rom鈔easc veche ( 1508 1830 ) ".
- One prominent institution in Italy is IBIMUS, the " Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale ", in Rome.
- The journal is abstracted and indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, Bibliografia Generale della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiana, and " Italinemo ".
- His bibliographic works are of fundamental importance : " Bibliographie de la litt閞ature latine " ( 1943 ), " Bibliografia clasic 頽 Rom鈔ia " ( in collaboration, 1943 ).
- It's difficult to find bibliografia in a sentence. 用bibliografia造句挺難的
- Gamurrini was from 1892 the director of the Biblioteca e Museo della Fraternita dei Laici d'Arezzo, where he found the opportunity to compile the " Bibliografia dell'Italia antica " ( 1905 ).
- Quirici was prolific : not only light pieces, romances and dances for piano, but a big amount of vocal and organ religious music He is published by Perosino, Borriero, Blanchi, Bibliografia Salesiana in Turin.
- Several of these studies appeared in book form : " Bibliografia cestiunii Orientului ", 1899; " Cronicarii moldoveni din secolul al XVII-lea ", 1899; " Istoria Rom鈔iei contimporane.
- FRASCA M ., Canicattini Bagni, in Bibliografia Topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia e nelle isole tirreniche, Nenci G .-Vallet G . ( a cura di ), IV, Roma 1985, pp . 350 354.
- After the death of his father Karol J髗ef in 1908, he attempted to complete his father s unfinished Bibliografia Polska ( begun in 1870 ), a massive reference work on all significant Polish authors from the 15th to the 19th century.
- Boncompagni edited " Bullettino di bibliografia e di storia delle scienze matematiche e fisiche " ( " The bulletin of bibliography and history of mathematical and physical sciences " ) ( 1868 1887 ), the first Italian periodical entirely dedicated to the history of mathematics.
- The rest of his works, contributions to collective works, prologues, scientific and popular articles and even, participation in congresses between 1982 and 2007 have been gathered in the book " Bibliografia de fra Valent?Serra de Manresa, OFMCap . ( anys 1982-2007 ).
- Bibliografia dei libretti d'opera, di oratori, cantate ecc . posti in musica da Gioachino Rossini, Roma, Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale 1997, nn . 32, 120, 264, 327, 444, 549, 561, 773, 1158, 1356, 1364-1366;
- Bibliografia dei libretti d'opera, di oratori, cantate ecc . posti in musica da Gioachino Rossini, Roma, Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale 1997, nn . 32, 120, 264, 327, 444, 549, 561, 773, 1158, 1356, 1364-1366;
- Casual mention of Fray Pedro de Betanzos is found in Ycazbalceta, " Bibliografia mexicana ", ( Mexico, 1886 ), in which an edition of the " Catecismo y Doctrina " is mentioned ( Mexico, 1556 ), and a reimpression ( Guatemala, 1724 ).
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