blazing angels造句

"blazing angels"是什麽意思   


  1. Ign : in terms of multiplayer , will the ps3 version of blazing angels include anything not seen in the xbox 360 version
    對于上網對戰的玩家來說, ps3版的熾焰天使會包含什么360版沒有見過的東西嗎?
  2. Ign : has the ps3s hardware enabled developers to add anything in terms of actual gameplay , or will all versions of blazing angels play the same
  3. What we can tell you is that we have a great team working on blazing angels for the ps3 and they are having a lot of fun developing the game
  4. It's difficult to find blazing angels in a sentence. 用blazing angels造句挺難的


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