


  1. A recent phylogenenetic study of Aspleniaceae ( Murukami et al . 1999 ) shows that species segregated as " Camptosorus " and " Neottopteris " are nested within " Asplenium " and recommends that they be included in that genus, but suggests that " Hymenasplenium " ( including " Boniniella " ) and " Phyllitis " are distantly related to other " Asplenium " species and should be recognized at the generic level.
  2. It's difficult to find boniniella in a sentence. 用boniniella造句挺難的


  1. "bonings"造句
  2. "bonington"造句
  3. "bonington hall"造句
  4. "bonington halls"造句
  5. "bonini"造句
  6. "boninite"造句
  7. "boninne"造句
  8. "bonino"造句
  9. "bonino da campione"造句
  10. "bonino list"造句

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