


  1. In 1998, she left her first husband Manuel Bribiesca.
  2. The Chamber of Deputies is investigating the Bribiesca sons.
  3. "Mexicanismo " by Antonio Bribiesca
  4. Two other RMI executives, Felipe Zaragoza and Ricardo Bribiesca, are to be sentenced this week.
  5. Ms . Bribiesca traveled to China, Singapore, Indonesia and Japan as part of her elective course work.
  6. It's difficult to find bribiesca in a sentence. 用bribiesca造句挺難的
  7. Asia Bribiesca, a 1998 Marshall graduate, said her international experience before attending business school was limited to vacationing in Mexico.
  8. Her former husband, Manuel Bribiesca, seemed baffled and embittered by the sudden drive out of the house and into politics.
  9. Dr . Sancho de Matienzo became the first treasurer, Jimeno de Bribiesca the first contador, and Francisco Pinelo the first factor.
  10. After years of increasing political involvement, Sahagun left her husband Manuel Bribiesca in 1998 while working for Fox, then Guanajuato state governor.
  11. The book quotes an unnamed relative as saying that one son, Jorge Bribiesca, took friends to Houston and Las Vegas in a presidential jet.
  12. But don't get the wrong idea about Bush's daughter Jenna and Mexican first lady Marta Sahagun's son, Fernando Bribiesca.
  13. In 2012, the U . S . Federal Bureau of Investigation issued an arrest warrant for Manuel Bribiesca on charges of fraud in relation to the Oceanografia case.
  14. The banner linked Cabeza de Vaca with other people who are investigated by the U . S . authorities for money laundering, including Manuel Bribiesca and Antonio Pe馻 Arg黣lles.
  15. The band is made up of Diego Solorzano ( vocals, guitar ), Miguel Angel Bribiesca ( bass ) and Eduardo Pacheco ( drums ) and previously Felipe Botello ( guitar ).
  16. Infante was very often accompanied by the great musical ensembles of the time like the Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitl醤, No?Fajardo's Orchestra, the Tr韔 Calaveras and Antonio Bribiesca, among others.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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