

  1. The Duet disposable diaphragm is made of dipped polyurethane, pre-filled with BufferGel ( BufferGel is currently in clinical trials as a spermicide and microbicide ).
  2. The Duet disposable diaphragm is made of dipped polyurethane, pre-filled with BufferGel ( BufferGel is currently in clinical trials as a spermicide and microbicide ).
  3. It's difficult to find buffergel in a sentence. 用buffergel造句挺難的


  1. "buffered seek"造句
  2. "buffered solution"造句
  3. "buffered system"造句
  4. "buffered terminal"造句
  5. "bufferfly"造句
  6. "bufferin"造句
  7. "bufferin plus"造句
  8. "buffering"造句
  9. "buffering action"造句
  10. "buffering agent"造句

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