by and buy造句


  1. Why not drop by and buy a ticket?
  2. He's just hoping some Jewish tourists will stop by and buy a beer ."
  3. But he had to sit in the rain because he was hoping that a friend would come by and buy the previous drinks.
  4. "Some people come by and buy a little jar just to see what it is, " said Dyer, " and I have sold as much as 10 or 12 cases " of the syrup.
  5. It's difficult to find by and buy in a sentence. 用by and buy造句挺難的


  1. "by an eyelash"造句
  2. "by an oversight"造句
  3. "by analogy"造句
  4. "by analogy with"造句
  5. "by and again"造句
  6. "by and by"造句
  7. "by and down"造句
  8. "by and large"造句
  9. "by anticipation"造句
  10. "by antigen"造句

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