by any manner of means造句

"by any manner of means"是什麽意思   


  1. In 1923 a reviewer in " Time " characterized Glasgow : " She is of the South; but she is not by any manner of means provincial.
  2. I repeat User : PeaceNT, even if my sub-page would have been " deleted materal ", which it definitely wasn't, " " CSD G4 is not, by any manner of means, applicable to user subpages ""
  3. By Tuesday, his colleagues were not optimistic . " It's going to be choppy for a while, " Rockefeller predicted . " It's not over, " he warned . " It's not over by any manner of means ."
  4. It's difficult to find by any manner of means in a sentence. 用by any manner of means造句挺難的


  1. "by and down"造句
  2. "by and large"造句
  3. "by anticipation"造句
  4. "by antigen"造句
  5. "by any chance"造句
  6. "by any means"造句
  7. "by any means 2"造句
  8. "by any means necessary"造句
  9. "by any measure"造句
  10. "by any name"造句

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