


  1. Mohamed Charfi becomes the new justice minister.
  2. Mohamed Charfi, who supervised the changes as minister of education, was vilified for his efforts.
  3. In a statement, the president's office said those dismissed included Justice Minister Mohamed Charfi.
  4. In September 2013, Tayeb Louh was appointed justice minister, replacing Mohamed Charfi in the post.
  5. The six ministers dismissed included Justice Minister Mohamed Charfi, the president's office said in a statement.
  6. It's difficult to find charfi in a sentence. 用charfi造句挺難的
  7. In a statement, the president's office said the six Cabinet ministers dismissed included the top justice official, Mohamed Charfi.
  8. Mohamed Charfi, a former education minister and now an opposition figure, described the proposed changes as a " smoke screen ."
  9. Establishing a parallel with Mustafa Kemal Atat黵k, Mohamed Charfi advocated that Bourguiba wanted to reform society " within Islam " and not against it.
  10. The issue is not the misunderstandings between non-Muslims and Muslims, according to Charfi, but failures within the Islamic world to take on the fundamentalists.
  11. "' Mohamed Charfi "'( 11 October 1936 in Sfax & ndash; 8 June 2008 ) was a well-known academic and politician.
  12. On the other hand, Charfi opposed this idea, stating that the undeniable break carried out by Bourguiba occurred more with traditional society than with Islam, as such.
  13. Charfi expressed concern for one of the proposals to innovate the constitution, the stipulation that " defense of the country is a sacred duty for each citizen ."
  14. As for former minister Mohamed Charfi, subsequent transformations of the Tunisian society brought by the action of Bourguiba are numerous : urbanization, education, transition to another family model and women's liberation.
  15. According to Mohamed Charfi, a former minister of education in Tunisia, " Saudi Arabia . . . has also been one of the main supporters of Islamic fundamentalism because of its financing of schools following the . . . Wahhabi doctrine.
  16. He composed for the Tunisians, Mustapha Kamel and Raouf Charfi and for the first female Tunisian singer Oulaya interpreting, " El Hayou Djaza飏 " and " Ya Djaza飏 y a Djamhour颽 ", during the Algerian Provisional Government.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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