clued on造句

"clued on"是什麽意思   


  1. i was hoping to find clues on that computer
  2. clues on tourism residential real estate
  3. i have not got a clue on how to spend the natiional day holiday
  4. i haven't got a clue on how to spend the nathonal day holiday
  5. it will be a clue on the study of the interrelated matter
  6. It's difficult to find clued on in a sentence. 用clued on造句挺難的
  7. all clued on
  8. as i said, we hadn't a single clue on how far 6k was . so, when i heard running water, i said excitingly : is that the waterfall
  9. you also resent us any clue on the one who initially contributed to renewable energy, the 1st publicity material or the 1st product on renewable energy
  10. not only are the inhabitants of these cities highly clued on to the latest trends from around the world, they also have a knack of adapting these trends to suit their own personal style
  11. pet birds can not only imitate sounds, they can distinguish between languages, potentially offering new clues on how the brain recognizes speech, japanese researchers say
  12. if you can post more detail pictures of those kid and adult figures about their clothes, hats, tea set, and those stools and table, they will show more clues on which dynasty those people lived
  13. the public can view real-time sky images and their changes in the past three hours on the observatory s regional weather website to find out what the sky condition is like, and obtain clues on what to wear before leaving home
  14. the fifth chapter is about the influence and function of brand equity management contribute to enterprises " development : with the clue on value that intangible assets contribute to enterprises and affecting factors as well as the existing status and examples of related brand equity management at home and abroad, it analyzes the relationship between brand equity management and enterprise management in detail and states the significance of brand equity management in enterprise development
  15. while deciding for or against clicking on a specific link ( u-> v ), humans use a variety of clues on the source page u to estimate the worth of the unseen target page v, including anchor text of link referring to v, dom tree structure of u, content of region which contains the link referring to v, and so on
  16. chapter two : “ justice of eprc ” . this part, cutting in from the nature of the property rights involved in copyright and cluing on whether or not it possesses the nature of commodity, from the angle of economics, analyzes the costs of forming the property rights involved in copyright, exchange cost, protection cost and the feasibility of achieving the interest by exchange . the purpose is to research and probe the problem of various optimum “ quantitativeness ” in eprc, from the viewpoints of
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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