colour term造句
- The colour term gamboge refers to this pigment.
- Magenta appeared as a colour term only in the mid-nineteenth century, after Goethe.
- From 1925 through into the 1970s, Weisgerber repeatedly cited colour terms in support of his views.
- Goethe's work uses two composite words for colour terms such as " orange " and " violet ".
- Off the top of my head there are languages ( in PNG ) that have only two basic colour terms.
- It's difficult to find colour term in a sentence. 用colour term造句挺難的
- When there are more colour terms added, the progression of which colour terms are added first can be predicted to an extent.
- When there are more colour terms added, the progression of which colour terms are added first can be predicted to an extent.
- Many readers, however, have read Gladstone's explanation of Homer's colour terms as a suggestion that he and the other ancient Greeks were colourblind.
- The White Sea is one of four seas named in English ( and in other languages such as Russian ) after common colour terms the others being the Black Sea, the Red Sea, and the Yellow Sea.
- However, some participants suggested that these colour terms were confusing and unacceptable, did not adequately describe an individual's ethnic group, did not reflect his or her true skin colour, and were stereotypical and outdated terms.
- University of California Press, 1969 . Berlin and Kay presented a hypothesis ( which certainly works generally, if not completely ) that certain colour terms are more likely to appear than others when only small numbers of basic colour terms are present in a language.
- University of California Press, 1969 . Berlin and Kay presented a hypothesis ( which certainly works generally, if not completely ) that certain colour terms are more likely to appear than others when only small numbers of basic colour terms are present in a language.
- Recent linguistic data from colour studies seem to indicate that categories may have more than one focal element-e . g . the Tsonga colour term " rihlaza " refers to a green-blue continuum, but appears to have two prototypes, a focal blue, and a focal green.
- For example, a system which chose colour terms such as " red " to describe objects in a digital image would need to know which RGB pixel values could generally be described as " red "; how this was influenced by visual ( lighting, other objects in the scene ) and linguistic ( other objects being discussed ) context; what pragmatic connotations were associated with " red " ( for example, when an apple is called " red ", it is assumed to be ripe as well as have the colour red ); and so forth.