cord like造句
- The innermost membrane _ the meshlike pia mater _ hugs the surface of the brain and spinal cord like shrink-wrap.
- Since they did not develop in a uterus, they would not have been connected to an umbilical cord like all other humans.
- It would be better to coil the cord like a rope, in a circle, not an oval, preventing sharp corners and kinks.
- They are elaborately decorated with the Franciscan coat of arms, cords like those worn by Franciscan monks with tassels and other symbols.
- Not that I would expect royalty to shlep around in her son's hand-me-down khaki cords like I do, but seven thousand bucks?
- It's difficult to find cord like in a sentence. 用cord like造句挺難的
- Ryan Smyth chipped it into the cords like Tiger Woods lobbing one into the cup at Augusta, and suddenly the Oilers and Skyreach came to life again.
- The ban includes brains, the spinal cord and cuts of meat that contain bone that is part of the spinal cord like the T-bone, from cows, goats and sheep.
- Under questioning by Tigar, the FBI agent conceded that investigators have not positively determined that detonator cord like that found in Nichols'house was used to set off the bomb.
- A piece of rope, or a thick cord like a dressing gown belt, can be wiggled like a snake, and be good to chase and satisfying to sink teeth into.
- For emergencies, the cars also featured emergency brake cords like other subway cars, but added an emergency alarm which could be activated to notify the train crew in case of emergency.
- Would you have suffered yourself to be bound with cord like a miserable beast, and led without resistance by men, who, as soon as they arrived at a certain place, would in all probability, have put you to death?
- Jasnowski had earlier testified that detonation cord like that used in the bombing was discovered in Nichols'home during the 12-hour search, including traces of the bomb ingredient and four 55-gallon drums of the type prosecutors say were used to make the bomb.
- Then out of nowhere, he uses a steel cable cord like an attachment and rides his bike on it and is nearly knocked down by a train . despite all efforts of law enforcement, the robbery isn't foiled and he successfully gets away.