


  1. "Carnethy " is probably etymologically a Cumbric name.
  2. The Pictish and Cumbric languages were replaced by insular style.
  3. "Carriden " is etymologically a Cumbric name.
  4. What is generally agreed upon by linguists is that Cumbric was a Breton.
  5. It has been suggested that Cumbric was more closely aligned to the Pictish language
  6. It's difficult to find cumbric in a sentence. 用cumbric造句挺難的
  7. Welsh and Breton survive today; Cumbric became extinct in the 12th century.
  8. Wallace slew the sheriff of Lanark ( also a Cumbric name ) in 1297.
  9. This does not prove that any of them still spoke Cumbric at this time.
  10. The demise of Cumbric in the region is even harder to date than Gaelic.
  11. Wikipedia clearly states that the main etymology is Cumbric ( P-Celtic ).
  12. Jackson suggested the name " Primitive Cumbric " for the dialect spoken at the time.
  13. Among the evidence that Cumbric served as a children's games or nursery rhymes.
  14. This appears to show a divergence between Cumbric and Welsh at a relatively early date.
  15. The name " Mindrum ", is thought to be of Cumbric origin.
  16. The name Troqueer is of Cumbric origin.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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  10. "cumbum"造句

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