delivery rated造句

"delivery rated"是什麽意思   


  1. standard test method for delivery rate of aerosol products
  2. performance curves specially designed for high delivery rates at the low installed power rating
  3. and the delivery rate this year is 95 % . he said this with delight and a sense of pride
  4. the site concrete pump is designed for a delivery rate of 87 m3 / h and maximum pumping pressure of 100 bar
  5. meet our logistics annual targets ( on time delivery rate ) and sqi . ensure continuous improvement in personnel engagement
  6. It's difficult to find delivery rated in a sentence. 用delivery rated造句挺難的
  7. the main factors influencing maternal mortality were institutional delivery rate, population density, percentage of minority population, and percentage of village without village doctor
  8. finally, the simulation results indicated that the proposed integration approach was advanced than original approaches without integration on throughput rate, cycle time, machine utility and on-time-delivery rate with better performance
  9. the result reveals that standardized software provides a higher return though there exist much customized demands in market; governmental agencies as big clients contribute a lower return on sales and lower delivery rate because of their monopoly position; regional business environment affects transaction costs greatly, causing a poor performance; the performance is significantly influenced by incentive mechanism, not significantly by the cognitive of project managers
  10. renin secretion is controlled by at least four mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive : a renal vascular receptor responds to changes in tension in the afferent arteriolar wall; a macula densa receptor detects changes in the delivery rate or concentration of nacl in the distal tubule; circulating angiotensin has a negative feedback effect on renin secretion; and the sympathetic nervous system stimulates renin secretion via the renal nerve mediated by receptors
  11. this thesis elucidates and analyses the key techniques and rules of aolr in detail, and introduces its simulation modeling of the integrated system infrastructure and each function modules . through systematic simulation of aolr in the performance of packet delivery rate, average end-to-end delay, average route set-up delay, routing overhead, and etc, the key techniques and algorithms are testified and can provide reference for practical system design and application


  1. "delivery process"造句
  2. "delivery pump"造句
  3. "delivery quality"造句
  4. "delivery quantity"造句
  5. "delivery rate"造句
  6. "delivery ratio"造句
  7. "delivery receipt"造句
  8. "delivery record"造句
  9. "delivery reliability"造句
  10. "delivery report"造句

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