


  1. The system was designed by Oskar von Miller and Marcel Deprez.
  2. Deprez retired in 1907, and William McKay in 1911.
  3. In 1882 Jacques-Ars鑞e d'Arsonval and Marcel Deprez developed microamperes.
  4. His successor was, to Deprez'discontent, Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb.
  5. Belgian journalist Philippe Deprez, who works for RTBF Radio, was still held.
  6. It's difficult to find deprez in a sentence. 用deprez造句挺難的
  7. Deprez said the findings show the differences in health needs that different cities must address.
  8. Deprez conducted experiments in La Chapelle, Grenoble, Vizille, Paris, and Creil.
  9. On 30 August, Deprez-Crassier ordered a major assault on the Spanish outpost of Biriatou.
  10. It's the city with the best team in Belgium according to Mr . Deprez himself.
  11. Moving coil galvanometer was developed independently by Marcel Deprez and Jacques-Ars鑞e d'Arsonval about 1880.
  12. The band consists of Maarten Devoldere, Jinte Deprez, Patricia Vanneste, Simon Casier and Michiel Balcaen.
  13. Two French judges, Isabelle Prevot-Deprez and Philippe Courroye, have been investigating the ring since 1998.
  14. When Andrew McKay retired in 1894, William McKay was joined in partnership by Edmund Deprez and Otto Gutekunst.
  15. Equipped with a steering wheel, 12 volt motor and three wheels it was devised by Luc Deprez of Belgium.
  16. Two French magistrates, Isabelle Prevot-Deprez and Philippe Courroye, have been investigating the alleged ring since 1998.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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  7. "depriest"造句
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  10. "deprimido"造句

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