


  1. With little choice, the Dwarfers set a course . ..
  2. The Dwarfers abandon him, but Lister takes his Molecular Destabilizer.
  3. Birdman is promptly eaten, before Pete starts to chase the Dwarfers.
  4. The Dwarfers take Edgington back to the ship and use her device to make her human again.
  5. Now some time into their prison sentence, the Dwarfers have been put on probation for good behaviour.
  6. It's difficult to find dwarfers in a sentence. 用dwarfers造句挺難的
  7. After being trapped with the " Dwarfers " in their universe, the alternate Kochanski adds something of a new dynamic to the show.
  8. As the Dwarfers escape they find that the microbe from the " Hermes " is now eating away at " Red Dwarf ".
  9. The Dwarfers set the " Starbug " scanners to probe for any " Felis sapiens " lifesigns; some register deep in GELF territory.
  10. The Dwarfers escape in Blue Midget, leading the Annihilators and Death Ship ( captained by Dominator Zlurg and his assistant Chancellor Wednesday ) away from Red Dwarf.
  11. While briefly delaying their return to the future so Lister can have a curry, the Dwarfers spot two twin brothers going by the names of Jesus and Judas.
  12. Now that the Dwarfers have the run of the ship, Kryten and Kochanski devise a plan which involves entering a mirror universe where everything is opposite; negative becomes positive and a virus becomes an antidote.
  13. Her initial reaction to the meagre conditions of life aboard " Starbug " is one of utter despair, as well as disdain for the " Dwarfers " as inferior versions of the people she knew in her dimension.
  14. The dispensing machine tells him that the other Dwarfers had repaired the prism and followed him into the mirror universe and, ironically, Rimmer is now the ship's Captain since he's now the only crew member remaining.
  15. By boosting Rimmer's self-confidence, Rimmer's self-respect and self confidence rise up and out of their respective graves, wearing musketeer style clothes, and slay Rimmer's personal demons, allowing the dwarfers to escape.
  16. Hoping to use the quantum entanglement to save his life, Lister gets Cat stressed ( by cutting off locks of his hair ) and the Dwarfers learn some space co-ordinates that lead them to a space station that Kryten recognises as a science institution that was staffed by scientists who were always wrong.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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