electronegativity value造句
- A polar covalent bond exists between carbon and zinc, being polarized toward carbon due to the differences in electronegativity values ( carbon : 2.5 & zinc : 1.65 ).
- This is particularly true of the transition elements, where quoted electronegativity values are usually, of necessity, averages over several different oxidation states and where trends in electronegativity are harder to see as a result.
- Physically, they have the relatively low melting points and high electronegativity values associated with post-transition metals . " The filled " d " subshell and free " s " electron of Cu, Ag, and Au contribute to their high electrical and thermal conductivity.
- Physically, nonmetals tend to be highly volatile ( easily vaporized ), have low elasticity, and are good insulators of heat and electricity; chemically, they tend to have high ionization energy and electronegativity values, and gain or share electrons when they react with other elements or compounds.
- This ability comes from the fact that the bond character between carbon atoms is entirely non-polar, in that the distribution of electrons between the two elements is somewhat even due to the same electronegativity values of the elements ( ~ 0.30 ), and does not result in the formation of an electrophile.
- It's difficult to find electronegativity value in a sentence. 用electronegativity value造句挺難的
- :: : : : The other interesting article, in the " Journal of the American Chemical Society, " discussed a new electronegativity scale . The authors note that their electronegativity values for Bi and Po fall within the range of EN values ( 1.9 2.2 ) ascribed to metalloids.