engineering notation造句


  1. On the other hand, Engineering notation allows the numbers to explicitly match their corresponding燬I prefixes, which facilitates reading and oral communication.
  2. One problem is that this will give a very small number, and it is likely to be in scientific or engineering notation.
  3. Compared to normalized scientific notation, one disadvantage of using SI prefixes and engineering notation is that significant figures are not always readily apparent.
  4. Normalized scientific form is the typical form of expression of large numbers in many fields, unless an unnormalized form, such as engineering notation, is desired.
  5. Failure rates are often expressed in engineering notation as failures per million, or 10  " 6, especially for individual components, since their failure rates are often very low.
  6. It's difficult to find engineering notation in a sentence. 用engineering notation造句挺難的
  7. Any standard unit ( not a combination, multiple, or built-in ) may be used after an engineering notation prefix, including " temperature change " units, but not " temperature " units.
  8. If that's not it, we're down to it wanting / not wanting a leading zero, wanting it in scientific / engineering notation, or maybe you're typing the letter O instead of a zero?
  9. New features over TI-34 MultiView include Gradian angle mode, Engineering notation mode, scientific notation conversion, median, 25 / 75-percentile, algebraic factorization, 2x2 linear equation solver, factor decomposition, list generation by function.
  10. Feature set was based on TI-36X II, but without unit conversions and constants, base calculations, boolean algebra, complex value functions ( abs now only works in real numbers ), integral calculation, engineering notation display modes, gradian angle mode, percentage sign, three 2-variable statistic modes ( logarithmic, exponent, power ), hyperbolic trigonometry.
  11. It should not be that tricky to figure out that it is a template . ( Is there a code to add a template so it still says " Template " rather than having the brackets on either side ? ) Then I was able to create the desired template in my own sandbox by creating a new subpage, User : Edison / Template : Engineering notation prefixes copying the old template, and modifying it to be what I wanted.


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