- The journey time between Eskbank and Polton was typically 12 minutes.
- To the south of Eskbank is Newbattle with its abbey.
- It is operated by NHS Lothian It is situated in Eskbank Road.
- The mineral had to be carted to Eskbank station, a considerable inconvenience.
- The terminus at Dalhousie Mains is referred to as " Eskbank " by one source,
- It's difficult to find eskbank in a sentence. 用eskbank造句挺難的
- Eyebrow Hill was renamed Eskbank in 1908.
- Eskbank is the well-heeled district of Dalkeith with many large Victorian and newer houses.
- MacLachlan lived in Eskbank, Saskatchewan.
- He lived in Eskbank, Saskatchewan.
- The re-building of the northern section of the station at Eskbank on the western edge of Dalkeith.
- From Eskbank the Peebles line crossed high ground south-east of the valley of the River North Esk.
- Lysaghts manufactured galvanised sheet and plate between 1880 and 1912 at the Eskbank steelworks at Lithgow, New South Wales.
- Other attractions include the Hartley Historic Site, Small Arms Factory Museum, State Mine Heritage Park and the Eskbank House Museum.
- In 1895 there were four daily passenger trains in each direction, with two more on Saturdays, between Eskbank and Polton.
- The " Engineering + " centre is based at the college's Midlothian campus in Eskbank, near Dalkeith.
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