establishing shots造句
- Nearly every episode included an exterior establishing shot of the towers.
- Now for a few more establishing shots of the ship.
- THE ESTABLISHING SHOT : A panoramic shot of Dodger Stadium.
- The lighting is soft, establishing shots are nonexistent.
- Two small establishing shots were postponed until the filming of the next episode.
- It's difficult to find establishing shots in a sentence. 用establishing shots造句挺難的
- The establishing shot can be used at any time as a reestablishing shot.
- The sign was seen by a producer scouting Phoenix for an establishing shot.
- Where many scenes had complicated tracking shots, Elliot simplified them with establishing shots.
- :Sounds to me like a type of Establishing shot, but genre specific.
- Establishing shots were more common during the classical era of filmmaking than they are now.
- Through avoiding establishing shots, Herzog heightens the apocalyptic effect of depicting the devastated landscape.
- These were replaced by stock establishing shot footage and scenes were filmed entirely in Atlanta.
- There is a wide establishing shot of Pink as she moves through the main street.
- Establishing shots were filmed by Langan and the second unit, due to time constraints.
- For two weeks Reis filmed mostly establishing shots while awaiting the arrival of the script.
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