export import bank造句

"export import bank"是什麽意思   


  1. Think london recently assisted the export import bank of india to relocate its european headquarters from milan to london
  2. Think london recently assisted the export import bank of india to relocate its european headquarters from milan to london
  3. Such a team will be able to elaborate on a business plan able to convince a bank to finance it , to attract easier financing , which could be provided by export import bank of china , or other banks
  4. Full set of clean shipped on board ocean bill of lading / airway bill / truck receipt marked freight prepaid / collect drawn on or endorsed to the order of export import bank of bangladesh limted notify applicant and us
  5. It's difficult to find export import bank in a sentence. 用export import bank造句挺難的


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  10. "export incentive program"造句

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