filtration camps造句
- Chechen filtration camps are centers of wholesale abuse and torture.
- Sangeriyev has been visiting filtration camps around Chechnya-- he says there are at least six.
- He was sent to an NKVD filtration camp, where it was decided that Saprykin had committed treason.
- Yegorova was interrogated as a potential traitor continuously for eleven days at an NKVD filtration camp for returning Soviet prisoners.
- Russian reports said the mission examined the so-called filtration camp where 14 Chechen detainees are currently held for investigation.
- It's difficult to find filtration camps in a sentence. 用filtration camps造句挺難的
- Ford said the group had medical evidence that nine people were tortured at a so-called filtration camp in Chernokozovo.
- During the war in Chechnya, Chaikova was known for her filtration camps " by Russian authorities to control the population.
- A small, bright-green plastic palm tree on the nose of an APC . A filtration camp for suspicious Chechens.
- But there are other " filtration camps " where suspected rebels are held, and, Chechens say, beaten and tortured.
- After the war he went through another check at the NKVD filtration camp, although Ekaterina was told that he was missing in action.
- Chernokozovo is a site of Chernokozovo detention center, which served as the main part of the filtration camp system during the Second Chechen War.
- Ingush police say they are being taken to a " filtration camp " in the main Russian military base 30 miles north of here.
- In chilling detail, he told about the treatment of those detained, himself included, by federal forces and held in the notorious Chernokozovo filtration camp.
- Numerous prisons and filtration camps were set prior to May 1945, in an area that is today Poland and Russia, Slovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia.
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