frequentist statistics造句


  1. (In some instances, frequentist statistics can work around this problem.
  2. Despite growth of Bayesian research, most undergraduate teaching is still based on frequentist statistics.
  3. However, some elements of frequentist statistics, such as statistical decision theory, do incorporate utility functions.
  4. Frequentist statistics, the more popular robust, with the posterior distribution less sensitive to the more flexible hierarchical priors.
  5. Those who promote Bayesian inference view " frequentist statistics " as an approach to statistical inference that recognises only physical probabilities.
  6. It's difficult to find frequentist statistics in a sentence. 用frequentist statistics造句挺難的
  7. After the 1920s, " inverse probability " was largely supplanted by a collection of methods that came to be called frequentist statistics.
  8. For instance, in frequentist statistics, likelihood ratios are computed against null models that may or may not be part of some hypothesis.
  9. After 1968, Basu began writing polemical essays, which provided paradoxes to frequentist statistics, and which produced great discussion in statistical journals and at statistical meetings.
  10. For example, confidence intervals and prediction intervals in frequentist statistics when constructed from a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance are constructed using a Student's t-distribution.
  11. Objective prior distributions may also be derived from other principles, such as information or coding theory ( see e . g . minimum description length ) or frequentist statistics ( see frequentist matching ).
  12. Compare this to the approach in frequentist statistics, where a single estimate of the parameters, e . g . a maximum likelihood estimate, would be computed, and this value plugged in.
  13. While frequentist statistics remains strong ( as seen by the fact that most undergraduate teaching is still based on it ), Bayesian methods are widely accepted and used, e . g ., in the field of machine learning.
  14. There are other methods of estimation that minimize the posterior " risk " ( expected-posterior loss ) with respect to a loss function, and these are of interest to statistical decision theory using the sampling distribution ( " frequentist statistics " ).
  15. Credible intervals are analogous to confidence intervals in frequentist statistics, although they differ on a philosophical basis; Bayesian intervals treat their bounds as fixed and the estimated parameter as a random variable, whereas frequentist confidence intervals treat their bounds as random variables and the parameter as a fixed value.
  16. By comparison, prediction in frequentist statistics often involves finding an optimum point estimate of the parameter ( s )  e . g ., by maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimation ( MAP )  and then plugging this estimate into the formula for the distribution of a data point.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


  1. "frequentist"造句
  2. "frequentist inference"造句
  3. "frequentist interpretation of probability"造句
  4. "frequentist interpretations"造句
  5. "frequentist probability"造句
  6. "frequentists"造句
  7. "frequentive"造句
  8. "frequently"造句
  9. "frequently asked question"造句
  10. "frequently asked questions"造句

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