


  1. I use the word " credibility " in order not to provoke the frequentists.
  2. *For a full report on the history of Bayesian statistics and the debates with frequentists approaches, read
  3. Frequentists are unable to take this approach, since relative frequencies do not exist for single tosses of a coin, but only for large ensembles or collectives.
  4. Frequentists object when talking about the probability that some hypothesis is true : " It is either true or false, so you cannot talk about a probability ".
  5. Frequentists are unable to take this approach, since relative frequencies do not exist for single tosses of a coin, but only for large ensembles or collectives ( see " single case possible " in the table above ).
  6. It's difficult to find frequentists in a sentence. 用frequentists造句挺難的
  7. And, since I note that most linguists respond to Esperanto in a fashion not unlike the way computational physicists respond to Wolfram-with contempt rather than the level of violence that accompanies intelligent design or arguments between Bayesians and frequentists-I might suggest that their problems with the entire venture merit some real consideration rather than the traditional Esperantist response of that because linguists are social scientists therefore they clearly know nothing.
  8. Suppose for example ( Broome, 1995 ) that the envelope with the smaller amount actually contains 2 " n " dollars with probability 2 " n " / 3 " n " + 1 where " n " = 0, 1, 2, & These probabilities sum to 1, hence the distribution is a proper prior ( for subjectivists ) and a completely decent probability law also for frequentists.


  1. "frequentist inference"造句
  2. "frequentist interpretation of probability"造句
  3. "frequentist interpretations"造句
  4. "frequentist probability"造句
  5. "frequentist statistics"造句
  6. "frequentive"造句
  7. "frequently"造句
  8. "frequently asked question"造句
  9. "frequently asked questions"造句
  10. "frequently asked questions about time travel"造句

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