hide the kitchen knives造句


  1. Deep in the bowels of Tom Pye's enormous set of cinderblock and glass, a woman's cries interrupt the nervous monologue of the family nanny, who is busily hiding the kitchen knives.
  2. THEATER-MEDEA ( London ) _ Deep in the bowels of Tom Pye's huge set of cinderblock and glass, a woman's cries interrupt the monologue of the family nanny, who is hiding the kitchen knives.
  3. It's difficult to find hide the kitchen knives in a sentence. 用hide the kitchen knives造句挺難的


  1. "hide sider"造句
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  6. "hide the truth"造句
  7. "hide their light under a bushel"造句
  8. "hide tools"造句
  9. "hide track"造句
  10. "hide trade"造句

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