juli mizrahi造句
- When he is being repaired, Juli Mizrahi asks him to consider lifespan extension.
- With the help of Juli Mizrahi and Allen, Shion was able to witness the Federation's weapons, T-elos and Omega Res Novae.
- MOMO was programmed with the behavior and emotions of a twelve-year-old girl, and considers both Joachim and Juli Mizrahi to be her parents.
- The series has seen the reappearance of Shion Uzuki, KOS-MOS and Juli Mizrahi and also introduces " Episode III "'s Doctus and a young girl named " Nephilim ".
- Jr . and the group return to the Kukai flagship to find the entire crew murdered by Yuriev soldiers with the exception of Mary and Shelly Godwin and the cruisers'two guests, Juli Mizrahi and Canaan.
- It's difficult to find juli mizrahi in a sentence. 用juli mizrahi造句挺難的
- In " Juli Mizrahi to be maternal to M . O . M . O . and he may also have feelings towards M . O . M . O . similar to that of his lost son.
- In the Encephalon, Nephilim warns the party about U-DO and the awakening of the " true form of KOS-MOS . " Dr . Juli Mizrahi scribbling a picture of a girl who looks like Nephilim.
- Despite Juli Mizrahi's sympathy for Ziggy, the cold reality of his state of life is shown when Ziggy is made the lead ( on screen ) character and he talks with other employees of the U . M . N . Control Center.
- After the death of Joachim Nizrahi, MOMO was rescued from her birthplace amidst the chaos of the Miltian Conflict and went to live on the planet Fifth Jerusalem, the hub of the Galaxy Federation, with Juli Mizrahi whom she termed " mother ".
- If the body did not die, and the fears borne in the mind just continued to pile up, the world would be nothing more than an eternal prison . " When Juli Mizrahi performs maintenance on Ziggy, he reveals the reason why he committed suicide was because of the death of his son.