mail sorting office造句

"mail sorting office"是什麽意思   


  1. The Royal Mail sorting office was recognised by Chatham in 1997.
  2. Part of the main goods yard is the site of a Royal Mail sorting office.
  3. The new Springburn Fire station and a Royal Mail sorting office are also located nearby.
  4. The avoiding line has been removed and the sidings were reduced to serve only a mail sorting office and building materials yard.
  5. It said a package addressed to the queen was intercepted at a mail sorting office last month after blood was seen seeping out.
  6. It's difficult to find mail sorting office in a sentence. 用mail sorting office造句挺難的
  7. Agents in plain clothes took away sacks from the Foreign Mail Sorting Office, where about 100 employees handle more than 200, 000 letters daily.
  8. On the north side of the line west of the station is a Royal Mail sorting office next to where the ordnance depot used to be.
  9. The large Victorian post office stands on the north side of the town, along with a Royal Mail sorting office which serves a large rural area.
  10. Federal intelligence agents drive to the capital's overseas mail sorting office, carry away sackfuls of letters and steam them open, an Indian newspaper reported Thursday.
  11. Harry Goldstein's practical joke backfired when the letter leaked its contents over a postal worker and caused the evacuation of a mail sorting office in northwest London.
  12. It has been expanded in recent years and businesses include the Royal Mail sorting office, the Daiwa, as well as a major new household waste recycling centre.
  13. Work stoppages have also hampered postal service, with 80 out of 139 mail sorting offices closed down Saturday, and spread to the state-owned electricity and gas companies.
  14. The development will be in the former Royal Mail Sorting Office on King Edward Street near St . Paul's Cathedral and will likely be completed in the middle of 2001.
  15. The ward features the terrace streets and student hostels along Fishergate Hill towards Preston railway station, the Royal Mail sorting office, and many shops and businesses along the docklands development.
  16. 更多例句:  下一頁


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