mail stop造句
- It was the first seat of government and mail stop in Hamilton County.
- It includes 600, 000 different addresses : homes, post office boxes and business mail stops.
- Under Harvey, the tavern became a mail stop and began hosting General Assembly and executive committee meetings.
- The air field was a stop for United Airlines in 1927 and a mail stop in 1928.
- Orders should be sent to Kay Hamada, Mail Stop 76, 1000 AAA Drive, Heathrow, Fla . 32746.
- It's difficult to find mail stop in a sentence. 用mail stop造句挺難的
- 22640 / Alappuzha-Chennai SF Express, 16204 / Garudadri Express and 12624 / Thiruvananthapuram-Chennai Super Fast Mail stop here.
- It may be obtained free by sending a self-addressed envelope to AAA Travel Services, Mail Stop 800, 1000 AAA Drive, Heathrow, Fla . 32746.
- Entries also can be mailed to : Deep Space 2 Naming Contest, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Mail Stop 301-235, Pasadena, California . 91109-8099.
- Under Cox'management, the structure served as a trading post, an unofficial Butterfield Overland Mail stop, post office, voting place, eating establishment, church of the Benton County Baptist Society, and inn.
- Complaints should be submitted by mail to the Aviation Consumer Protection Division, Mail Stop C-75, Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, S . W ., Washington, D . C . 20590.
- A recent, controversial tactic, called " " mortgage their house at a specific street address & mdash; with the address being clearly a business address including mail stop and office number.
- Hundreds of internal documents that mysteriously appeared at a San Francisco scientist's mail stop found their way Saturday to the Internet after a bitter, year-long bout of litigation from the cigarette industry.
- For example, chain mail stops 3 hits of damage; if a battle axe struck this figure and the score rolled was 9, the figure would only take 6 damage because of the armor.
- Washta's name dates back to 1868 when a local man named Whisman turned his farm into a trading post / mail stop for the freight train going from Correctionville, Iowa to Cherokee, Iowa.
- Mormon leader Brigham Young saw Southern California as a supply source for Utah, and as an immigration and mail stop between Salt Lake City and Apostles Amasa M . Lyman and Charles C . Rich.
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