mail stop造句

"mail stop"是什麽意思   


  1. It was the first seat of government and mail stop in Hamilton County.
  2. It includes 600, 000 different addresses : homes, post office boxes and business mail stops.
  3. Under Harvey, the tavern became a mail stop and began hosting General Assembly and executive committee meetings.
  4. The air field was a stop for United Airlines in 1927 and a mail stop in 1928.
  5. Orders should be sent to Kay Hamada, Mail Stop 76, 1000 AAA Drive, Heathrow, Fla . 32746.
  6. It's difficult to find mail stop in a sentence. 用mail stop造句挺難的
  7. 22640 / Alappuzha-Chennai SF Express, 16204 / Garudadri Express and 12624 / Thiruvananthapuram-Chennai Super Fast Mail stop here.
  8. It may be obtained free by sending a self-addressed envelope to AAA Travel Services, Mail Stop 800, 1000 AAA Drive, Heathrow, Fla . 32746.
  9. Entries also can be mailed to : Deep Space 2 Naming Contest, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Mail Stop 301-235, Pasadena, California . 91109-8099.
  10. Under Cox'management, the structure served as a trading post, an unofficial Butterfield Overland Mail stop, post office, voting place, eating establishment, church of the Benton County Baptist Society, and inn.
  11. Complaints should be submitted by mail to the Aviation Consumer Protection Division, Mail Stop C-75, Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, S . W ., Washington, D . C . 20590.
  12. A recent, controversial tactic, called " " mortgage their house at a specific street address & mdash; with the address being clearly a business address including mail stop and office number.
  13. Hundreds of internal documents that mysteriously appeared at a San Francisco scientist's mail stop found their way Saturday to the Internet after a bitter, year-long bout of litigation from the cigarette industry.
  14. For example, chain mail stops 3 hits of damage; if a battle axe struck this figure and the score rolled was 9, the figure would only take 6 damage because of the armor.
  15. Washta's name dates back to 1868 when a local man named Whisman turned his farm into a trading post / mail stop for the freight train going from Correctionville, Iowa to Cherokee, Iowa.
  16. Mormon leader Brigham Young saw Southern California as a supply source for Utah, and as an immigration and mail stop between Salt Lake City and Apostles Amasa M . Lyman and Charles C . Rich.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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