of accomplishment造句


  1. They keep me occupied, give me a sense of accomplishment.
  2. America is a country rich in people of accomplishment and character.
  3. Clinton recited a list of accomplishments but added that work remained.
  4. It remains the most famous measure of accomplishment in the NFL.
  5. His recovery has been a fitful string of accomplishments and setbacks.
  6. It's difficult to find of accomplishment in a sentence. 用of accomplishment造句挺難的
  7. No need here to detail his long laundry list of accomplishments.
  8. Like all graduations, this one was a celebration of accomplishment.
  9. One of the great senses of accomplishment is facing the fear.
  10. Those can bring happiness or fulfillment or a sense of accomplishment.
  11. But behind the veneer of accomplishment, the impending trial lurked.
  12. Locker-room hand-wringing overshadowed any sense of accomplishment.
  13. There was disappointment afterward, but also a sense of accomplishment.
  14. "It's that kind of accomplishment ."
  15. It is quite a sense of accomplishment to finish a project,
  16. But Cheney's lengthy list of accomplishments could prove invaluable.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


  1. "of accept"造句
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  5. "of accomplish"造句
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  9. "of accountability"造句
  10. "of accountable"造句

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