


  1. Airspan provides also AAA servers, PCRF and Billing with its partner Aradial Tech
  2. In its 2nd year ( 2010 ) the awards were renamed as PCRF-HT RTI awards.
  3. Operators also have an opportunity to use PCRF for prioritizing the calls to emergency numbers in the next-gen networks.
  4. She completed a goodwill documentary for The PCRF charity " Climb of Hope ", and it was released in 2015.
  5. Another Information Commissioner MM Ansari questioned the credentials of the activists behind the PCRF to grant these awards by categorizing them as an " eyewash ".
  6. It's difficult to find pcrf in a sentence. 用pcrf造句挺難的
  7. Starting in 2007, ACS started to offer the IB Diploma program consisting of a wide variety of Palestine Children's Relief Fund ( PCRF ).
  8. Spotngo designs, develops and provides Billing solutions for Wifi, Policy Control ( PCRF ) and partners with RADIUS & Diameter servers for telecommunications service providers.
  9. PCRF can provide a network agnostic solution ( wire line and wireless ) and can also enable multi-dimensional approach which helps in creating a lucrative and innovative platform for operators.
  10. Being able to make decisions based on the content of individual packets enables a wide variety of new applications such as Policy Charging and Rules Functions ( PCRF ) and Quality of Service.
  11. The PCRF, along with the British Arts Council, co-produced the 2006 22-minute documentary " Open Heart " by Claire Fowler about healthcare in the Palestinian areas.
  12. PCRF plays a key role in VoLTE as a mediator of network resources for the IP Multimedia Systems network for establishing the calls and allocating the requested bandwidth to the call bearer with configured attributes.
  13. In June 2007 Sandvine acquired CableMatrix Technologies for its PacketCable Multimedia ( PCMM )-based PCRF that enable broadband operators to increase subscriber satisfaction while delivering media-rich IP applications and services such as SIP telephony, video streaming, on-line gaming, and videoconferencing.
  14. In January 2014, Suzanne led the first two Arab amputees up to the summit of Kilimanjaro on a Climb of Hope project aimed at raising both awareness and funds to treating sick children in conflict areas in affiliation with Palestine Children Relief Fund PCRF www . pcrf . net.
  15. In January 2014, Suzanne led the first two Arab amputees up to the summit of Kilimanjaro on a Climb of Hope project aimed at raising both awareness and funds to treating sick children in conflict areas in affiliation with Palestine Children Relief Fund PCRF www . pcrf . net.
  16. In addition, " Penguin " was also home to the navy's principal medical facility, Balmoral Naval Hospital, which provided some of the trained personnel for the Primary Casualty Receiving Facilities [ PCRF ] on the RAN's " Kanimbla " class vessels.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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