


  1. Steel " tendons " within the PCRV experienced corrosion due to chloride precipitation and were weakened.
  2. In addition, it is speculated that PcrV determines the size of the needle pore for type III secreted effectors.
  3. -- PowerCerv Corp . ( PCRV ) was rated " buy " in new coverage by analyst Chris Mortensen at Alex.
  4. PCRV followed the political line of the Albanian Party of Labour, anti-revisionist Marxism-Leninism ( later known as Hoxhaism ).
  5. -- PowerCerv Corp . ( PCRV ) was rated " buy " in new coverage by analyst Marshall Senk at Robertson, Stephens & AMP; Co.
  6. It's difficult to find pcrv in a sentence. 用pcrv造句挺難的
  7. -- PowerCerv Corp . ( PCRV US ) was downgraded to " neutral " from " strong buy " by analyst Chris Mortensen at Alex.
  8. During this relatively short period of time which was, indeed, very productive, he discovered two viruses, Peanut Chlorotic Ringspot ( PCRV ) and Peanut Top Paralysis ( PTPV ) Virus.
  9. He also discovered two viruses reported under his name in the world data bank of viruses, the first was named " Peanut Chlorotic Ringspot Virus ( PCRV ) " and the second was called  Peanut Top Paralysis ( PTPV ) ".
  10. LcrV protein, PcrV, has been found in " Pseudomonas aeruginosa ", an opportunistic pathogen . " In vivo " studies using mice found that immunisation with the protein protected burned animals from infection by " P . aeruginosa ", and enhanced survival.
  11. The HTGR design was considered safer than typical boiling water designs of the time, so the typical steel-reinforced, pre-stressed concrete containment dome structure was omitted in favor of a steel-frame containment structure while the reactor core was partially contained within a prestressed concrete reactor pressure vessel ( PCRV ).


  1. "pcrf"造句
  2. "pcrg"造句
  3. "pcrm"造句
  4. "pcrs"造句
  5. "pcrush"造句
  6. "pcr標記法"造句
  7. "pcr法"造句
  8. "pcr分析"造句
  9. "pcr基因擴增儀"造句
  10. "pcr克隆"造句

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