- Steel " tendons " within the PCRV experienced corrosion due to chloride precipitation and were weakened.
- In addition, it is speculated that PcrV determines the size of the needle pore for type III secreted effectors.
- -- PowerCerv Corp . ( PCRV ) was rated " buy " in new coverage by analyst Chris Mortensen at Alex.
- PCRV followed the political line of the Albanian Party of Labour, anti-revisionist Marxism-Leninism ( later known as Hoxhaism ).
- -- PowerCerv Corp . ( PCRV ) was rated " buy " in new coverage by analyst Marshall Senk at Robertson, Stephens & AMP; Co.
- It's difficult to find pcrv in a sentence. 用pcrv造句挺難的
- -- PowerCerv Corp . ( PCRV US ) was downgraded to " neutral " from " strong buy " by analyst Chris Mortensen at Alex.
- During this relatively short period of time which was, indeed, very productive, he discovered two viruses, Peanut Chlorotic Ringspot ( PCRV ) and Peanut Top Paralysis ( PTPV ) Virus.
- He also discovered two viruses reported under his name in the world data bank of viruses, the first was named " Peanut Chlorotic Ringspot Virus ( PCRV ) " and the second was called Peanut Top Paralysis ( PTPV ) ".
- LcrV protein, PcrV, has been found in " Pseudomonas aeruginosa ", an opportunistic pathogen . " In vivo " studies using mice found that immunisation with the protein protected burned animals from infection by " P . aeruginosa ", and enhanced survival.
- The HTGR design was considered safer than typical boiling water designs of the time, so the typical steel-reinforced, pre-stressed concrete containment dome structure was omitted in favor of a steel-frame containment structure while the reactor core was partially contained within a prestressed concrete reactor pressure vessel ( PCRV ).