potential definition造句


  1. Astrobiologists consider alternative chemistries for life, and study on Earth extremophile organisms that expand the potential definitions of habitable worlds.
  2. Assuming therefore that the original placename most closely resembled " Wooloonora ", and acknowledging the inadequacy of our records due to language loss, three potential definitions present themselves:
  3. Michael Byers, a professor in Political Science at the University of British Columbia, questions the assumption that there is one definition of global citizenship, and unpacks aspects of potential definitions.
  4. :To me it seems like asking if Wikipedia is conscious is one instance of asking whether demons / daimons ( and perhaps angels, at least by some loose potential definition ) are real.
  5. :: There are many potential definitions, for example : rapidity of onset, severity of illness, shortness of time elapsed between diagnosis ( or metastasis, or first symptoms ) and death of the patient, prevalence, earliest " childhood " cancers, etc . ~ discuss ! " ) 20 : 38, 20 November 2011 ( UTC)
  6. It's difficult to find potential definition in a sentence. 用potential definition造句挺難的
  7. What seems to be in common with these definitions is that there has to be a change in the content of consciousness ( change in primary phenomenal consciousness ) and at least an implicit assumption that the person being in an ASC should somehow recognize this and be able to give introspective reports about it ( involvement of reflective consciousness ) [ & ] Thus, we arrive at three potential definitions of an ASC : " " "'Definition 1.1 "': ASC as a state in primary phenomenal consciousness.


  1. "potential damage"造句
  2. "potential danger"造句
  3. "potential decay"造句
  4. "potential decrease"造句
  5. "potential defect"造句
  6. "potential deflection"造句
  7. "potential delinquent"造句
  8. "potential demand"造句
  9. "potential density"造句
  10. "potential dependent"造句

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