- They can tell when the scriptures were written , by whom they were written , and the meanings therein . however , they do not genuinely understand because they have not had the divine experience . they have not had the experience of being an arhat , an eighth - grade bodhisattva , a tenth - grade bodhisattva , a buddha , or even the most elementary srota - apanna , sravaka , or pratyeka buddha
所以同樣,很多人會看經念經會解釋經典,這部經是什么時候作的誰講的是什么意思,不過他不懂不了解,沒有內邊的神圣體驗,沒有阿羅漢的體驗,沒有八地菩薩十地菩薩或是佛的體驗,連最后那個須陀洹也沒有,連聲聞緣覺也不懂的,所以才要修行觀音法門,不然的話,為什么要修行? - It's difficult to find pratyeka in a sentence. 用pratyeka造句挺難的