promoting urination造句
- it can clear out redundant cholesterol and triglyceride in blood, decrease very low density lipoprotein and enhance high density lipoprotein which is beneficial to human body . this product has effects of activating blood and the channels, tonifying the heart and promoting urination, regulating the flow of qi to alleviate pain, preventing and curing heart failure, and the effects of inducing reuscitation and restoring consciousness . 3
藥理研究:葛根能增加腦及冠狀動脈血流量,使血管阻力相應減低,清除血液中多余的膽固醇及甘油三脂,降低低密度脂蛋白,同時提高對人體有益的高密度脂蛋白,具有活血通絡,強心利尿,理氣止痛,防止心衰,且具有開竅醒腦之功效。 - It's difficult to find promoting urination in a sentence. 用promoting urination造句挺難的