promotion of friendship造句

"promotion of friendship"是什麽意思   


  1. The BPA's initial aims were the advancement of the study of paediatrics and the promotion of friendship amongst paediatricians.
  2. The first ever Parliamentary Group in Algeria dedicated to the Promotion of friendship between Algeria and Pakistan was instituted on 29 December 1990.
  3. But its very size and comprehensiveness prevent it from fulfilling one of the most important functions of a club, the promotion of friendships.
  4. The " Four Founding Principles " are currently : the Advancement of Justice, the Promotion of Friendship, the Development of Character, and the Diffusion of Liberal Culture.
  5. In the postwar era, he focused his attention on Germany and became noted for his promotion of friendship and reconciliation based on his internationalism and his ethic of brotherly love.
  6. It's difficult to find promotion of friendship in a sentence. 用promotion of friendship造句挺難的
  7. In June 1921 he was made a " Chevalier " in the L間ion d'honneur, for war work and the promotion of friendship between France and the United States.
  8. Kabalevsky frequently travelled overseas; he was a member of the Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace as well as a representative for the Promotion of Friendship between the Soviet Union and foreign countries.
  9. On August 29, 2013, Prof . Owusu was awarded the prestigious Japanese Foreign Ministers commendation award for his immense contributions and outstanding roles in the promotion of friendship between Japan and other countries, and for helping improve the social and economic partnership between the people of Ghana and Japan.


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  7. "promotion of national unity and reconciliation act"造句
  8. "promotion of peaceful reunification"造句
  9. "promotion of personnel"造句

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