rat skin造句
- in this study, the expression of nfkb p65 and ikba ( inhibitory kappa b alpha, ikba ) in poly-morphonnucleared cells, mononuclear cells and fibroblastic cells during rat skin contusion repair will be investigated using immunohistochemical technique and the relationship with contusion will be revealed, which can provide the theorical evidence to identify the contusion age
ib因其抑制nfb活性,也越來越受到人們的重視,故本實驗應用免疫組織化學方法觀察nfb家族的重要成員nfbp65與其抑制因子ib在大鼠皮膚挫傷后不同時間在多核粒細胞、單核巨噬細胞及成纖維細胞中的表達變化,揭示其與皮膚挫傷時間的關系,為皮膚挫傷時間的判定提供新的理論依據。 - It's difficult to find rat skin in a sentence. 用rat skin造句挺難的