rat thing造句
- But Clyburn drew the line at the rat thing.
- Rat Things remember their previous lives as dogs.
- They can also communicate with other Rat Things by " barking " in the Metaverse.
- Plus, if you're bothered by this Rat thing, don't be.
- He characterized the trio as " Very famous, quite famous, and wasn't he that rat thing in'The Lion King'?"
- It's difficult to find rat thing in a sentence. 用rat thing造句挺難的
- The Rat Things are passively cooled by a system of heat sinks that are only effective when the Rat Thing runs fast enough to move ambient air across the fins.
- The Rat Things are passively cooled by a system of heat sinks that are only effective when the Rat Thing runs fast enough to move ambient air across the fins.
- Because they must be either moving at high velocities or actively cooling in their hutches, Rat Things are rarely seen by human eyes and few people know what they look like.
- Like other technology in " Snow Crash ", Rat Things are powered by a nuclear isotope battery, which requires extensive cooling due to the massive amount of waste heat generated.
- When in the Metaverse and not performing guard duties, Rat Things experience running on endless beaches, playing in the surf, eating steaks that grow on trees, and blood-drenched Frisbees floating around, waiting to be caught.
- Through running, Rat Things are capable of breaking the sound barrier ( about 768 mph at sea level ), although this is not typically permitted by Mr . Lee's Greater Hong Kong's " good neighbor " policies due to noise reasons.
- Lying in a wooden box, strapped down, with no shoes, no mask to cover the face, participants in this odd game of betcha-wouldn't-do-it find this rat thing highly undesirable but, for the cash and TV time, certainly doable.