


  1. The previous recordbreaker was 2005 ( shared with 1731 ).
  2. BC-OPERA-RECORDBREAKER-NYT ( moved on Sunday, Sept . 24)
  3. That's two-and-one-half times as much as was spent on the 1992 presidential campaign, also a recordbreaker.
  4. If a person remained anonymous and was only known through a statistical records search and their age was not a recordbreaker, then perhaps they should not be included.
  5. It's difficult to find recordbreaker in a sentence. 用recordbreaker造句挺難的


  1. "recordare"造句
  2. "recordati"造句
  3. "recordation"造句
  4. "recordations"造句
  5. "recordative"造句
  6. "recordbreaking"造句
  7. "recorde"造句
  8. "recorded"造句
  9. "recorded a cappella review board"造句
  10. "recorded analog"造句

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